Minggu, 23 September 2012


February 22, 2012
To Board of The Awards:
My decision to apply for master program in School of Nutrition and Health Science at Taipei Medical University is driven by my strong desire to make the nutrition problems in my country, such as under nutrition and over nutrition, become lower by giving nutrition education. An Offered interesting subject in School of Nutrition and Health Science and a chance to study overseas make me eager to pursue “Taipei Medical University International Students Scholarships”. I believe this program will help me achieving my career plan.
For research topic, I am interested in clinical nutrition. I intend to compare the study on consuming nutritious food with unhealthy food. The reason is because of the increase of degenerative diseases caused by wrong eating pattern. Having research in this field will give me a vision about making awareness of nutrition and health for Indonesian people. The Indonesians will change their eating pattern by consuming healthy food in balance, therefore there will be many Indonesians live in better eating habits.
After completing my master, I plan to seek an employment as a university lecturer. I believe the rewards of such a position far outweigh the greater monetary compensation available in industry. For example, academic scientists are generally allowed a greater degree of freedom in their choice of research areas. They also benefit from exposure to co-workers who have a broad range of experiences. Finally, the satisfaction I have derived from my undergraduate tutoring and consulting experience has convinced me that I will enjoy a career in teaching. Having knowledge in nutrition will make easier to become not only a lecturer, but also a dietitian. Since a dietitian role is not only learning a science of how we organize eating pattern, but it is also a profession of helping people to be aware of their own health. To be a dietitian is a means to prevent, at the same time cure, some diseases using eating pattern.
I will be very excited to join the incoming class at the September, 2012. I hope you will seriously consider me as a student in School of Nutrition and Health Science, my strong motivation and career plan are a good match for what this program has offered. I sincerely believe I would make an excellent student in your program, and I prepare to study hard. Thank you for your interest and consideration.

Rany Adelina

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