Minggu, 23 September 2012



I am Rany Adelina, I’m the only child from my parents. I was born in Sidoarjo City 23 years ago. This city is near Surabaya, the capital city of East Java, Indonesia. The Sidoarjo City has a nature phenomenon which has happened since year 2006, it is called “Lapindo Mud”. The mud has still spouted from the earth interior to the surface until now, creating a big puddle like a lake. I lived there until elementary school because when I was in the fourth grade my father had to move to another city. So, I followed my family moving in Ciamis City, West Java. Ciamis is like a death city in the night because after 6 pm, almost all of the stores closed. Later, my family moved to Nganjuk City, East Java. It is a quite city. We lived 3 years there. After living in Nganjuk, I moved to Surabaya when my parents had to move to Tual City, Maluku island. I didn’t follow because it is too far from Java. So, I lived with my grand mother in my uncle’s house in Surabaya. When I was in the second grade in Senior High School, I and my grand mother moved to Malang City, in my parents’ house. I am very happy, because I could experience living from one city to another city. I got many experiences from those. I could learn many cultures, indigenous languages, and culinary from each city.

I somehow knew from the time I was ten that I wanted to be a doctor, but the reasons why have changed over the years. I am a different person than I was at eighteen, blindly negotiating the challenges of university life. My family background has greatly influenced my desire to become a dietitian. Before I finished senior high school, my father was suddenly got stroke when visiting me in Malang. Beside stroke in his left body, he also got dysphagia, he only had eaten blenderized food by naso-gastric tube for one year. My father liked eating high carbohydrate and high fat foods. From that habits, we know that he couldn’t control his eating pattern. Food is one of the risky factors toward his diseases. Besides, he was also a smoker. Now, his condition is far better than six years ago when he got stroke. However, he still can’t walk like normal people. Getting my father ills seriously has taught me that health is precious, and also that we need to take good care of our eating pattern to enjoy life as much as possible. Thus, healthy food and nutrition are my key areas of interest.

I want to be a dietitian because it’s about science how we organize healthy eating pattern. It’s a preventing action, but I also can cure patient with food. We have a popular jargon “Let’s your food as your medicine”. So, I took a study about nutrition and health science in Brawijaya University. As a student, I usually followed extracurricular activities like doing nutrition assessment for children in elementary school and giving a free consultation about nutrition and dietetic in health services. Helping people to be aware of their health is not only by becoming a dietitian, I also can dedicate my self to be a lecturer in Health Nutrition Department. Thus, I can assist students to be a generation who care about people’s lives, especially people in my country.

After four years I had completed the university and got my Bachelor degree. Strongly, I feel that studying nutrition is not simply my desire, instead my calling. As a nutrition student, I have learned the importance of living a balanced diet. Therefore, I have to work hard to continue developing my knowledge and getting higher degree of educations.


February 22, 2012
To Board of The Awards:
My decision to apply for master program in School of Nutrition and Health Science at Taipei Medical University is driven by my strong desire to make the nutrition problems in my country, such as under nutrition and over nutrition, become lower by giving nutrition education. An Offered interesting subject in School of Nutrition and Health Science and a chance to study overseas make me eager to pursue “Taipei Medical University International Students Scholarships”. I believe this program will help me achieving my career plan.
For research topic, I am interested in clinical nutrition. I intend to compare the study on consuming nutritious food with unhealthy food. The reason is because of the increase of degenerative diseases caused by wrong eating pattern. Having research in this field will give me a vision about making awareness of nutrition and health for Indonesian people. The Indonesians will change their eating pattern by consuming healthy food in balance, therefore there will be many Indonesians live in better eating habits.
After completing my master, I plan to seek an employment as a university lecturer. I believe the rewards of such a position far outweigh the greater monetary compensation available in industry. For example, academic scientists are generally allowed a greater degree of freedom in their choice of research areas. They also benefit from exposure to co-workers who have a broad range of experiences. Finally, the satisfaction I have derived from my undergraduate tutoring and consulting experience has convinced me that I will enjoy a career in teaching. Having knowledge in nutrition will make easier to become not only a lecturer, but also a dietitian. Since a dietitian role is not only learning a science of how we organize eating pattern, but it is also a profession of helping people to be aware of their own health. To be a dietitian is a means to prevent, at the same time cure, some diseases using eating pattern.
I will be very excited to join the incoming class at the September, 2012. I hope you will seriously consider me as a student in School of Nutrition and Health Science, my strong motivation and career plan are a good match for what this program has offered. I sincerely believe I would make an excellent student in your program, and I prepare to study hard. Thank you for your interest and consideration.

Rany Adelina



To Whom it May Concern:

As the Head of Nutrition Department in Brawijaya University, I have had the pleasure of knowing Ms. Rany Adelina for the last four years. She had been a great student and an asset to our school. I would like to take this opportunity to recommend Ms. Adelina for Master Program in School of Nutrition and Health Science in Taipei Medical University.
I feel confident that Ms. Adelina will continue to succeed in her studies. She is dedicated student and thus far her grades have been exemplary. She has proven to get Cum Laude Graduate predicate as Bachelor in Science of Health Nutrition.
Ms. Adelina also has a capability to complete assigned tasks with minimum guidance due to her intellectual independence. She is blessed with the positive attitude due to which she has always excelled in academic and extracurricular activities. 
It is for those reasons that I offer high recommendation for Ms. Adelina without reservation for graduate program she has applied for in your university with Taipei Medical University International Students Scholarships. If you have any questions regarding this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Dr. dr. Endang Sriwahjuni, MS
The Head of Nutrition Department, Brawijaya University


To Whom it May Concern:

I’m writing to you in support Ms. Rany Adelina and her desire to attend Taipei Medical University for the Master Program in School of Nutrition and Health Science. I only recommend students whom I feel are well suited for the program of their choice. Ms. Adelina is one of those students and therefore, I highly recommend that she will be given the opportunity to attend your university.
As a lecturer of Nutrition Department at Brawijaya University, I work with many students who have substantial knowledge of Nutrition. Each year I notice that only a few outstanding students offer a unique perspective and really embrace their learning of the subject matter. Ms. Adelina has consistently shown such a strong desire to learn that I simply could not turn down her request for recommendation.
I first met Ms. Adelina in my Food and Quality Control course during third semester. I also advised her to finish her final paper from fifth semester until seventh semester. Her intelligence shone through her final paper entitling “The Difference in Level of Beta Carotene in Local (Cipanas) Carrot Varieties (Daucus carota, L) Treated with Boiling and Sautéing”. Ms. Adelina was evaluated on her final paper and got grade A. The work clearly showed her ability to deliver a clear, concise, and well thought presentation.
Ms. Adelina continues to impress me with her knowledge, skill, and dedication to her work. Those have been proven from her Cum Laude Graduate predicate as Bachelor in Science of Health Nutrition. I’m sure you will find her to be a student whose talents will shine further through your graduate program. It is my hope that you will accept her admission to your university with Taipei Medical University International Students Scholarships. Feel free to contact me if you require further information.


Prof. Dr. dr. Noorhamdani, DMM, SpMK
The Head of Research Division in Research and Community Service Department, Brawijaya University

Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012


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